
Historical objects in and around Kürten

The name "Biesfeld"

The place was first mentioned in writing in 1693.

The word "
bies“ in dialect ”bees" means bad and refers to the poor yield of the fields, " Om Beesfeil " (= bad field ). 

Biesfeld was first mentioned in a document in 1693 in connection with the construction of the pilgrimage chapel "Zur schmerzhaften Mutter Gottes". Since the image of the Mother of God was found in a wooded area near Biesfeld (in the Kirchenfeld), there have been numerous pilgrimages, culminating in the 19th century. The services were conducted by clergymen from Kürten. In 1906, the parish became independent and built a new church, which housed the altar of the "Mater dolorosa". Three large inns were built in the 18th/19th century.

In 1905 there are 17 houses and 98 inhabitants.

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