Historical objects

Historical objects in and around Kürten

On the following pages you will find a selection of historical objects in the municipality of Kürten. Each of the objects listed here also has a metal stele installed, which provides information about the most important data of each object. Further interessting information, as listed here on our pages, can now be explored by used of the QR code directly at place. A QR code is a square image on the stele, which can be read using a mobile phone and the integrated camera. Its link will then direct to a respective page link on our homepage with the corresponding, more detailed information.

We hope our explanations will give you a lot of interesting reading material and we hope you enjoy exploring and understanding our local culture! You are also welcome to send us your questions and suggestions at  info@gv-kuerten.de


The origin story

In 2009, the History Association for the Municipality of Kürten and Surroundings recorded cultural-historical objects such as churches and chapels, houses and mills, tombstones and devotional crosses on behalf of the municipality of Kürten and with the help of the working group >History / Cultural History Mission Statement Kürten 2020 < compiled in the brochure Of crossroads, mills and sinkholes“ .

The  original author of the overview map shown below is Stefanie Kurth, which has lovingly compiled and located all historical objects on our old homepage. This map is also the inspiration for our new digital Interactive map   , which will continue to be expanded from now on. 


The book about these objects

The brochure Of crossroads, mills and sinkholes also shows all of these objects beautifully compiled in printed form and is available through our association.

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